つい最近友人と飲みに行っ た先にたまたま知り合いの女の 子がいたので同じ席で飲むことになったのです が途中から下ネタトークになり僕がかなりム ラムラしてきたので 「ちょっと一瞬だけ店から出て非常階段行こう!」と手を引っ張って非常階段へ連れて行 きましたw
そして階段のところに女の子を座らせ僕はパン ツを脱ぎフェラさせてみましたw
しばらくフェラをさせていたらどうしてもやりたくなっ たので女の子を後ろ向きにし、勝手に女の子のパンツをおろし、そ のまま立ちバックでやっちゃいましたww
There was a girl I knew before I went to drink, so I took it out to the emergency stairs and standed back.
Just recently, I happened to have a girl who knew my friend, so I decided to drink it in the same seat, but I got a little story talk from the middle and I was quite nervous.Get out of the emergency stairs! "
And sitting the girl on the stairs, I took off her bread and made a blowjob w
He / she blows firmly for the shyness w
I really wanted to do a blowjob for a while, so I turned the girl backwards, put on the girl’s pants without permission, and stood with the back as it was.
If you insert it, the girl is also excited, isn’t it?
And finally it fired on the floor w