




「まこ」25歳。まさかあの憧れの先輩社員が昼休憩にチンポをしゃぶる淫乱女だったなんて。 彼女の名前はまこ。新卒で入社した不動産関係の会社で事務をしている。入社4年目で社内で女性は3人で先輩一人後輩一人で部署は違うが同じフロアで働いており仲は良い。 営業イケイケの会社らしく平均年齢は若い。彼女の担当である営業部の男性社員のうち、3分の1は後輩だ。美人でバリバリと仕事をこなし、飲みの席ではめちゃくちゃ明るく笑い転げる彼女に憧れる後輩社員も多い。いや、社内の全員が憧れていると言っても過言ではない。それゆえに男性社員の中で「彼女とは仲良くすれど手を出すな」という不文律ができてしまった。さぞやモテるであろう彼女が、たまたま居〇屋で知り合った男とセフレになっている理由がそこにある。 彼女に憧れる後輩たちはなんて思うだろう。彼女が昼休みに男とセックスしてると知ったら。まんこに精子を溜めこんで午後の仕事をこなしてると知ったら。仕事ができて頼りがいがあって超美人の先輩社員が大絶叫でイキ狂うド淫乱女だと知ったら。 彼女にガチ恋している新入社員の加藤君にハメ撮り画像を見せたらどんな顔するかな? 「営業イケイケ・・・」からの話は全て僕の妄想ですが、そうやって妄想してると一緒にいるだけで軽く勃起する。 彼女の会社は電車で20分のところに支店があるそうで、そこへの用事と嘘をつき、昼休憩と合わせて2時間半の今日も彼女の間にめちゃくちゃ濃厚なセックスに没頭します。 / まこ



“Mako" 25 years old.No way, that longing senior employee was a nasty woman who sucked a cock for a lunch break.Her name is Mako.He is working at a real estate -related company where he joined the company as a new graduate.In the fourth year of joining the company, three women in the company are three women and one senior, but the department is different, but they work on the same floor and are close.The average age is young like a business Ikeike company.One -third of the male employees in the sales department, who are in charge of her, are juniors.There are many junior employees who work with a beautiful woman and work hard and yearn for a laughing seat.No, it’s no exaggeration to say that everyone in the company is longing.Therefore, among male employees, an unwritten law was created, saying, “Don’t get along with her."That’s why she’s a saffle with a man who happened to be a man who happened to know that she would be motivated.What do you think of the juniors who yearn for her?If she knows she has sex with a man during lunch break.If you know that you are doing sperm in pussy and doing the afternoon work.If you know that you can work, reliable, and a super -beautiful senior employee is a nasty woman who is crazy with screaming.What kind of face would you like to show a gonzo image to a new employee who is in love with her?The story from “Sales Ikeike …" is all my delusion, but if you are delusional like that, you will erect lightly.Her company seems to have a branch in 20 minutes by train, lies and lies there, and is immersed in a very rich sex between her today, two and a half hours together with lunch break./ Mako
