







もりもりさん提供 <奥様情報> 年齢:25歳 趣味:Yutbe鑑賞 職業:工場勤務 関西在住の若いご夫婦から応募がありました。 二人でカップルチャンネルを作ってそれで生計を立てていきたいそうで、海外サイトで有名になって本を出した二人のことを尊敬していると仰っていました。 夢を持ってキラキラと輝いている時期は人生においてかけがえのないものですから、それに対して何も言うことはございませんが、現在のコンテンツビジネスはレッドオーシャンと言っても過言ではなく、リスクのわりにリターンが少ないものです。 真面目にやっていたら売れないからといって、法から外れたことをしないことを願っています。 今回は初めてのNTRをしてみて撮影方法を勉したいというのと、旦那様が実際にどう感じるのかを経験したいということでした。 奥様は旦那様しか経験がないそうなので、旦那様以外の男性としてみたかったという願望が叶えられるということもあったそうです。 それにしてもこの奥様が本当に素敵なんです。 かわいらしい顔、素朴さ、柔らかそうで大きなおっぱい、天然で薄いマン毛、この年で感度抜群など良い所を挙げればきりがありません。 旦那様がカップルチャンネルで奥様を自慢したいという気持ちもよくわかります。 初めての寝取られ、それも初めて旦那様以外の男性とするセックスにものすごく興奮して感じていらっしゃったので、彼女のポテンシャルは計り知れないものがあると感じました。 カップルチャンネルはやるのはできても、続けることが難しいと言われています。 でもこのご夫婦ならきっと人気のチャンネルになると思います。 末永くお幸せに <収録内容> 00:00~部屋でNTRの説明を受ける夫妻。旦那さんは一旦部屋を出る。 01:41~奥さんだけで撮影。まずは着衣のまま全身をくまなく撮影。 03:28~服を脱いでもらい下着姿になってもらう。 05:07~ブラを外す。手を後ろで組んでもらう。おっぱい撮り。 06:22~ベッドに横になり指でオナニー。乳首も同時に刺激。 09:22~くちゃくちゃと音をたてるマンコ。イってしまう奥様。 10:44~パンツを脱ぐ。マン毛観察。ソファーにM字で座る。電マオナニー。 14:50~電マオナニーでイってしまう奥様。マコを広げさせイった後の性器を観察。 17:02~ソファに座る夫妻。奥さんはランジェリーと目隠しを装着済。単独さんと合流し書類確認。 19:02~NTR開始。フェザータッチで全身愛撫。耳舐め。横で見守る旦那さん。キス。パイ揉み。 22:30~パイ出ししてパイ揉み。写真撮り。乳首弄り。手を握る旦那。乳首舐め。太もも愛撫。 25:08~パンツの上から刺激。キス。パンツを脱がす。開脚。旦那もスマホで撮影。 26:39~クリトリスを刺激。写真撮り。クンニ。感じている奥様に興奮しキスをする旦那。 30:50~手マン。体外ポルチオ責め。 32:53~ソファーで四つん這いにする。マコにローションを塗る。手マン。旦那も胸揉み。 35:30~手マンでイク奥様。ソファーに潮でシミができる。 36:28~単独さんの巨根に驚く夫婦。手コキ。乳首いじり。フェラ。写真撮り。旦那さんスマホ撮り。 39:10~69。写真撮り。旦那さんスマホ撮り。感じまくる奥様。手マン。 43:30~単独さんゴムを付ける。挿入に緊張する夫婦。バックで挿入。旦那も奥様に手コキさせる。 45:30~大きなペニスに悶絶する奥様。写真撮り。手を握る夫婦。バックでイク奥様。痙攣イキ。 47:25~立ち膝でバック。旦那のをフェラ。立ちバック。旦那さんスマホ撮り。何度もイってしまう奥様。 51:33~電気を消す。ベットに移動。うつ伏せにする。バック挿入。耳舐め。旦那さんスマホ撮り。 55:40~バックでイク奥様。耳舐め。バックで挿入。旦那さんもたまらず奥様にフェラさせる。 56:25~バックでイク奥様。騎乗位に体位替え。乳首いじり。写真撮り。キス。 60:30~対面座位。正常位。旦那のキス。写真撮り。感じまくる奥様。手を握る旦那。 64:30~ゴムを外しお腹にぶっかけ。写真撮り。ティッシュで精を拭く。単独さん帰る。 65:45~愛を確かめ合いセックスを始める夫婦。お幸せに! / 人妻さん54


Married woman 54

Provided by Morimori Age: 25 years old Hobbies: Watching Yutbe Occupation: Working in a factory An application was received from a young couple living in Kansai.He said he wanted to create a couple’s channel and make a living from it, and that he respected the two who became famous on overseas sites and published books.The period when you are shining with dreams is irreplaceable in life, so there is nothing to say about it, but it is no exaggeration to say that the current content business is red ocean, and there are few returns despite the risks.It’s something.I hope that if you do it seriously, you won’t be able to sell, and that you won’t do anything out of the law.This time I wanted to try NTR for the first time and study how to film, and also wanted to experience how my husband actually feels.Apparently, only his husband has had experience with this, so it was also possible that his desire to see him as a man other than his husband could be fulfilled.Anyway, this wife is really lovely.There are many good points, such as her cute face, simple-mindedness, large soft-looking breasts, natural, thin pubic hair, and outstanding sensitivity at this age.I can understand how your husband wants to boast about his wife through his couples channel.It was her first time being cuckolded, and she was also very excited about having sex with a man other than her husband, so I felt that her potential was immeasurable.It is said that even though you can do it, it is difficult to continue.But I’m sure this couple will become a popular channel.Hope you will be happy for a long time The couple receives an NTR explanation from 00:00.My husband leaves the room for now.01:41 – Photo taken by his wife alone.First, I took a full picture of my whole body while still wearing my clothes.From 3:28, I took off my clothes and got in my underwear.From 05:07, remove the bra.Have your hands clasped behind you.Boob shot.06:22 – Lying on the bed and masturbating with your fingers.The nipples are stimulated at the same time.09:22~ A pussy making a mess of sounds.A wife who cums.From 10:44, I take off my pants.Observing pubic hair.Sit on the sofa in an M shape.Vibrator masturbation.From 14:50, a wife cums while masturbating with a vibrator.She spreads her pussy and observes her genitals after cumming.From 17:02, the couple sits on the sofa.His wife was wearing lingerie and a blindfold.Meet up with the solo artist and check the documents.NTR begins from 7:02pm.A feather touch gives caress to the whole body.Ear licking.My husband watches over me.Kiss.Pies rubbing.From 22:30, take out the pie and rub the pie.Take a photo.Nipples playing with.My husband holds his hand.Nipple licking.Caressing the thighs.From 25:08, stimulating over pants.Kiss.Take off your pants.Spread legs.My husband also took a photo with his smartphone.Stimulates the clitoris from 26:39.Take a photo.Cunnilingus.Her husband gets excited by the wife’s feelings and kisses her.Fingering from 30:50.In vitro G-spot torture.From 32:53, I’m on all fours on the sofa.Apply lotion to the cucumber.Fingering.My husband also massaged his breasts.From 35:30, the wife cums with fingering.Stains appear on the sofa due to the tide.From 36:28, the couple is surprised by the solo cock.Handjob.Teasing with nipples.Blowjob.Take a photo.My husband took a smartphone photo.39:10-69.Take a photo.My husband took a smartphone photo.A very emotional wife.Fingering.From 43:30, I put on a condom alone.A couple is nervous about insertion.Insert from behind.My husband also lets his wife give him a handjob.45:30 – A wife writhing in agony from her big penis.Take a photo.A couple holding their hands.A wife comes from behind.Convulsive orgasm.From 47:25, I stood and got back on my knees.I gave my husband a blowjob.Standing back.My husband took a smartphone photo.A wife who cums many times.Turn off the lights from 51:33.Move to bed.Lie face down.Insert back.Ear licking.My husband took a smartphone photo.From 55:40, my wife came from behind.Ear licking.Insert from behind.Her husband is also unable to resist making his wife give him a blowjob.From 56:25, my wife came from behind.Changed to cowgirl position.Teasing with nipples.Take a photo.Kiss.From 60:30, face-to-face sitting position.Missionary position.My husband’s kiss.Take a photo.A very emotional wife.My husband holds his hand.From 64:30, remove the condom and splash it on your stomach.Take a photo.Wipe the semen with tissue.I’m going home alone.From 65:45, a couple begins to have sex by checking their love.Hope you’re happy!/ Married woman 54



