初撮り五十路妻ドキュメント 瀬良ゆきえ 五十歳
兵庫県にお住いの瀬良ゆきえさん50歳。会社員の旦那様と娘さん二人の四人家族。不動産会社で働くゆきえさん。「周りにはガサツで、たいしておもろない人しかおらんかったんで(笑)」二年程前に東京から転勤してきた男性と浮気してしまった。「レディファーストって言うんですか?とっても優しくて紳士的で」だが、その人は転勤してしまい別れることに。「夫としても雰囲気のかけらもないし全然気持ち良くなくて」もう一度あの快感を味わいたいと、こちらで大学に通う娘さんの様子を見てくると言ってお越しいただいた。「やっぱ何か違うねん」念願の東京男子に囲まれ御満悦のゆきえさん。五十路奥様がデート気分で燃え上がり濃厚キスで乱れるラブラブセックスを堪能します!! / 初撮り五十路妻ドキュメント 瀬良ゆきえ 五十歳
First shot of a fifty-year-old wife documentary Sera Yukie, 50 years old
Sera Yukie is 50 years old and lives in Hyogo Prefecture.A family of four, a company employee husband and two daughters.Yukie works for a real estate company."There were only rough and very funny people around me (lol)." About two years ago I cheated on a man who had been transferred from Tokyo."Are you called Lady First? He’s very kind and gentlemanly," but the person was transferred and they ended up breaking up."As a husband, there was no bit of atmosphere and it wasn’t pleasant at all," he said he would come and watch her daughter attending university attendance here to experience that pleasure again."Something’s not true after all," Yukie is very pleased, surrounded by the long-awaited Tokyo men.A fifty-year-old wife will be on a date and enjoying her lovey-dovey sex with intense kisses!!/ First time filming a fifty-year-old wife documentary Sera Yukie, 50 years old
五十岁的妻子纪录片Sera Yukie的第一张照片,50岁